My Favorite Place - Agra, India

My family visited Agra, India, a few years ago to see one of the seven wonders of the world - the Taj Mahal. When I first saw it, I was struck by the incredible intricacies of the marble. It is one of those places that you will never get bored of, no matter how many times you visit!

Taj Mahal

We also visited Agra Fort, nearby Taj Mahal. I was amazed by how strongly built and complex it was, despite being almost 450 years old!

Agra Fort

You can also see the Taj Mahal from Agra Fort - a spectacular view!

View of Taj Mahal from Agra Fort

These historical monuments were built to last a very long time, without ever fading! How incredible that they are still standing today in all their glory!


  1. Oh wow, you have been to Agra: that's wonderful, Anusha! And there is so much great Mughal artwork that is connected with the epics; you'll see lots of Mughal art in the materials for class. This summer I worked on some Indian folktale traditions, including stories of the jester Birbal in the court of King Akbar (Birbal at Wikipedia... they are the stories at the very end of my little book, Tiny Tales from India) ... now if only I could have magically transported myself to Agra in order to appreciate all the architecture along with the stories!


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